Restoring our planet with TreeSisters

BB Group are incredibly proud to have become a partner with TreeSisters.
TreeSisters is an invitation to everyone to do as much radical good as they can for the planet. Our global network of treesisters is transforming both lives and landscapes in extraordinary ways. TreeSisters offers unique global programs that focus on encouraging women's leadership, Nature-connection, and significant behaviour change as we make the shift from being consumers to restorers. TreeSisters is funding the restoration of environments, biodiversity and communities within more than 10 major ecosystems around the global Tropics, through a diverse portfolio of vetted, trusted reforestation projects and in the process, planting millions of trees. Join us in making ecological restoration the new norm!
At BB Group we have committed to planting 50 trees a month and when we sign a new client we will plant 250 trees.
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Let's make the word a better place.